Wednesday, January 20, 2016

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Benefits of the banana diet in weight loss

Initially it might know bananas as the most important tropical fruit crops in the world's undisputed, and plays a major role in the economy of many countries being ranks high in global trade. Banana is the most popular fruit and popular among people at all due to the rich taste of sweetness from the definition, and the year-round availability and ease of storage and transportation, large and nutritional value, which we will address them in our theme.
Benefits of the banana diet in weight loss

Banana perennial plant, and is considered scientifically herb, not a tree, due to the fact that the plant consists of leg wrapped around some leaves and not wooden as the trees, but stem length ranges between 3: 8 meters depending on the type of plant. It is strange that the name of this plant in most of the world's languages ​​Banana or the word close as Banane and even search for the origin of the word in the Arabic language, we find that the banana finger is called "Lebanon bananas" and nominate a single banana "fingertip" It is said that the origin of this word is due to the language "Wolof" in West Africa.
Among the most important benefits of the banana which is the subject of our article, big role in weight loss by following the diet banana famous program, where experts confirmed that eating especially at breakfast bananas helps the body to secrete the hormone "Alchollstukenn" which in turn sends a signal to the nervous system as an alert to the intestines of fullness and lack of desire in eating more food.
Bananas benefits do not stop about weight loss at this point only Vmoz high capacity to prevent the absorption of certain types of carbohydrates, which significantly contributes to weight gain, as Bananas contain high amount of resistant starch, potassium, fiber and vitamin C B6 which enhances the feeling of fullness stomach and satiety, so as well as high improve its ability processes of metabolism and digestion. As it has been scientifically proven that eating bananas activates the metabolism and increases the burning of calories and reduces the likelihood of overeating throughout the day. So follow the banana diet eating a banana in an orderly fashion can lose weight in a healthy and fast.

Banana Diet

Among the benefits of bananas that diet banana schedule depends mainly in weight to lose and breakfast only allowing people to eat three other meals throughout the day so as not to negatively affect the role of any organ of the body and can shorten the table the following form to simplify:
First, the breakfast: a cup of lukewarm water and eating a banana fruits required for the sense of satiety. And prefers not to drink caffeine to stabilize the level of sugar in the blood and less appetite.
Secondly, lunch: any meal you want to note that dealt with the condition not to be the high amount of fat and carbohydrates and preferable but not taken up only slightly.
Thirdly, dinner: also can be a meal of your choice, provided that is eating this meal time before eight in the evening and not be eating candy or sugars or what is left from lunch. Preferably sleep early the condition is not less than the period between dinner and sleep for 3 hours and is not sleep after midnight. Many scientific studies have reported that there is a close connection between lack of sleep and weight gain evening relationship.
Fourthly, snack: This meal is optional but preferred initially to be among the banana diet so as not to feel weak or frustrated. This meal and be in the middle of the period between the lunch and dinner, which in almost three in the afternoon. It is possible to be eating a small piece of candy instead to extend the body sugars. 

The most important health benefits of Bananas

Benefits of Bananas do not stop weight loss only Vmoz a high potential for the treatment of many diseases as a disease of anemia, it is also very useful in cases of general weakness and a tonic for the mind of a special memory of the children at the time of the deliberation by studies proved fit on as good of phosphorus, but it is easy to digest and hardener to the teeth, bones and nails. Bananas also contributes to the build muscle and increase their efficiency, as Bananas contain a wide range of minerals such as iron in addition to calcium, many important for the body of vitamins, namely: A, B1, B2, B6, B12 and varying proportions of vitamins C, D, E.
The banana is good for pregnant and lactating women, and can be taken in the form of whacked juice in a blender with milk, especially for patients with intestinal inflammation and intestinal ulcers, this juice is extremely useful in the treatment of stomach problems.
As scientifically it is proven by several studies that banana plays an important role in the treatment of gout and overall revitalization and treatment of scurvy, as well as highly effective in resisting the inflammation of the nerves and rheumatism.
And many of the other benefits that can not be mentioned in our theme, even a banana peel proved to be useful if used Ksme small plants Vtmayora many materials useful help to grow better and faster.

Important Notes

Increasing the period following the banana diet by nutrition experts to reduce the proportion of sugar in the blood and affect especially those who suffer from a shortage of sugar in the blood negatively, as this system is encouraging the exercise.
So you should consult your doctor before embarking on a program to follow to lose weight even take advantage of the benefits of bananas without harm to happen to us a lot of it is reflected negatively on the overall health of the individual.
There is a very small percentage of those who suffer from allergies to bananas do not prefer their dependence on banana diet or eating significantly, as great deal of it is not recommended for patients with diabetes, liver and gallstones, but consult a specialist doctor.
Bananas must chew well, especially for children and people with problems in the stomach so as not to cause indigestion, and must also make sure the maturity of banana, green Vtnolh which reduces the many benefits mentioned previously.


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