Thursday, December 10, 2015

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5 exercises that burn more calories than running

5 exercises that burn more calories than running

5 exercises that burn more calories than running
 We all like to lose those extra calories us and always in shape and with a great body. But then, how do you do? They say one of the best ways to exercise and burn calories is running, but the reality is that not all women like this activity.
The running is not for everyone, so if you are the type who prefer to do other exercises before jogging ... this article is for you!

5 exercises that burn more calories than running

No. 1 Skipping

The strings, along with entertaining, may be well suited for burning calories (10 calories per minute) and stay in shape. You can do as many ways as images, but start slowly and pick up the pace gradually is the best way.

5 exercises that burn more calories than running

No. 2 Dancing

Have you ever gone a whole night to dance? It's like you've gone out to do but running with music and having a great time! Dancing is fun and very motivating. In addition, dancing will help you burn up to 443 calories per hour. Wow!
See also: Find out which of the gym equipment burns more calories!

No. 3 jump squats

Squats are a great exercise for women because it will help us to have a strong back and a stomach of cinema. Do you know that you can burn 14 calories in 20 seconds? You've probably already begun to squat!
Ideally, you do at least 5 minutes each day and in a few weeks, you will notice the difference!

No. 4 Skate

You may skate you look easy and fun, and really is so. And although it seems like you're getting carried away by the wheels, the reality is that you need to force the abdomen, legs and buttocks to better control the skates. This will burn calories intensely!

No. 5 Remar!

Like the paddle? It really is an incredible feeling to be in the water and you yourself with people who you may movéis the boat by rowing in coordination. Rowing can help you burn 375 calories in just 30 minutes, if you do the technique correctly. But you must remember that it is an exercise where works mostly shoulders and arms.
Which of these 5 exercises to burn fat you prefer to replace the run? I think I'll stick with dancing.


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