Wednesday, March 2, 2016

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Effective Treatment To Lose Weight In A Week

If you are looking for a treatment to lose weight in a week may be due to various reasons. For example you have a large party, you go on vacation or you have said "enough" to the body you have. It does not really matter what the reason, what does matter is that you've made the decision to improve your silhouette.

treatment to lose weight in a week 
In the next article I will give an example of a diet that will be very useful.
You can develop it for 7 days and then wait three weeks before returning to do it. So your health will be strengthened and become slim as desired.


How is the treatment to lose weight in a week?

It is necessary that you consider that to lose weight between 3 and 5 kilos must carry out this treatment to lose weight in a week to the letter.
Both in the week of the diet as in the following you can not eat food with much sugar such as sweets, chocolates, etc. You also can not drink soda or alcohol.
Pay close attention to diet to reduce several kilos in 7 days:

Effective Treatment To Lose Weight In A Week
  • breakfasts: It consists of ½ cup oatmeal with a little skim milk, 2 slices whole wheat bread and 1 cup of fresh fruit.
  • lunch: Eat 150 grams of lean white meat (can be chicken, fish or turkey), grilled, roasted or steamed, 1 bowl of salad vegetables including tomatoes, lettuce, celery, cucumber and carrot.
To flavor olive oil, lemon juice and spices. It also adds ½ cup cooked vegetables: cabbage, broccoli, squash, zucchini, carrots, etc.
    Effective Treatment To Lose Weight In A Week
  • dinner: A bowl of fruit salad with apple, melon, papaya, pear and grapes and a cup of herbal tea (chamomile for example).
These are the three main meals of treatment to lose weight in a week . But it is not the only thing you are allowed to consume:
  • By midmorning eat a raw fruit (eg an apple or a pear), in the afternoon a pot of yogurt or a cup of tea with 2 slices of whole grain bread.
  • At all times I recommend you drink water to make 2 liters per day in winter and 3 liters when it 's hot or you're training.
Especially in relation to the exercise it is necessary to practice 2 times a week at least 1 hour each time.
Effective Treatment To Lose Weight In A Week What should you exercise? Actually, what you like and be according to your age, your weight, your physique, etc. While the best are aerobic exercises that make you lose fat you would also be useful to lift some weights or swimming.
Since we probably will not have time for everything, I advise you to choose a discipline you like to complete your treatment to lose weight in a week and have effective results. Ideally, you follow a plan of action that will guide you step by step in your diet and your physical activity.

So I recommend 3 WEEKS DIET, Brian Flatt. Following this simple but powerful program, you can lose 5 to 10 kilos of fat in less than 21 days!
It is a revolutionary regime to lose weight in a week, using special techniques that speed up your metabolism and make you evaporate the fat even while you sleep.

CLICK HERE TODAY and stop dreaming of a slimmer and attractive body: three weeks it will be yours!


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