It is very likely that if you are looking for while a diet to lose weight in a week, and have heard about the famous "glycemic index" foods.
Given this property meals, you can implement a diet that impact
directly on the level of glucose in the body and help you lose fat
You will learn from the basic foods you can not ignore, even small changes in habit that will make a huge difference in your lifestyle and your way to burn body fat.
But perhaps this issue will be a little confused and do not know how to
organize a meal plan that gives you all the benefits of a glycemic
diet, so I'll help you put some light on the subject.
The glycemic index is a value that is given to food based on the time
it takes the glucose they generate, to reach the bloodstream.
Thus, foods that release glucose quickly have a higher glycemic index
(GI), while the more gradually release generally have a lower GI. And now let's see what does all this and how it fits into our diet.
The glycemic index and diet to lose weight in a week
According to the latest scientific theories, a diet to lose weight in a
week should contain foods with a low GI, as these prevent spikes in
blood sugar.
However, the value of IG tells us nothing about the amount of sugar
that has the food itself, so always be sure to read the labels to verify
that sugar is not high.
And now that is already made this important clarification, let's see how you should organize your new diet. Like any healthy eating plan will have to include the three basic macronutrients: protein, healthy fat and carbohydrates. And you'll have to pay special attention, and select carbohydrates with the lowest possible GI.
On this diet you'll calculate portions as follows:
- 40% of the total calories you need to consume daily, will not come from complex carbohydrates: whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Nothing else.
- 30% of the calories will come from animal protein: chicken, and lean red meats, eggs and tofu.
- The remaining 30% of the calories must come from healthy fats: avocados, olive oil and nuts.
Given these proportions will have to include all three types of nutrients in each meal.
This way you you will ensure to maintain the level of sugar in the
blood stable and avoid peaks that you generate cravings and
uncontrollable desire to eat fattening things.
Diet to lose weight in a week and stay in shape
This diet based on the glycemic index of food and its effect on our
body may not be as fast in terms of results as other more restrictive
diets that cut root with the unlimited consumption of carbohydrates.
But it is very effective and has a great benefit in your favor: You
will not go hungry and I assure you never recover the lost weight.
So it calculates how many calories and you have to consume daily and
defines what will be the size of each nutrient your portions for each
meal, without going over the suggested limit. Then I prepared a sample menu for you to take it as a guide:
- Breakfast: 6 egg whites with finely chopped vegetables. You can add a slice of bread and an orange. This food has a total of 350 calories, 2 grams of which are from fat, 21 grams protein and 35 grams are are carbohydrates.
- Lunch: A roasted chicken breast with a cup of brown rice. Accompany with a portion of steamed vegetables and a tablespoon of olive oil. Here you have 17 grams of fat, 59 grams of carbohydrates and 22 grams of protein.
- Snack: A serving of cottage cheese and almonds mixed with 15 apple. The total is 295 calories, with 13 grams of fat, 32 grams of carbohydrates and 18 grams of protein.
- Dinner: A piece of salmon with brown rice and salad. About this dinner will have distributed 550 calories 24 grams fat, 47 grams of carbohydrates and 32 grams of protein.
And in this same way you will have to plan the rest of the days of this diet to lose weight in a week .
As you can see, the combinations are varied and at least 4 meals not
feel hungry so voracious that every time you sit at the table. Remember to take lots of water to help further eliminate body fat.
The most complete diet you can use, is clearly detailed in the program DIET 3 WEEKS, Brian Flatt.
This book will give you the 5 steps you have to apply if you want to
transform your body and lose a few centimeters from all parts of your
body: contour arms, waist, hips, legs ...
You will learn from the basic foods you can not ignore, even small changes in habit that will make a huge difference in your lifestyle and your way to burn body fat.
This is the diet to lose weight in a week that has given more results worldwide, all kinds of people.
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