Saturday, March 26, 2016

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Best Recommendations To Lose Weight

We can find on the Internet many recommendations to lose weight, however, the most effective and simple to implement the'll read in the following article. Do not miss it!
Tips and recommendations for weight loss

Tips and recommendations for weight loss

When everyone wants to lose weight say in the matter. So sometimes we get confused and do not know what to think or do. The difficulty also appears when we do not get the effect we seek.
In order to obtain the expected results, pay attention to the following recommendations to lose weight you should follow from now:
  • Come sit: If you do standing or walking, ingerirás more food.
  • No quick commas: Taste every bite, chew well (some say 33 times is the ideal measure).
  • Go to the market after eating: So avoid buying many things for anxiety or hunger. If you make a list, do not come out of her.
  • Rest fifteen minutes after eating: Do not go running to the computer to continue working, for example. If you can, do a little walk five blocks.
  • Eat a handful of nuts: So will reduce hunger and anxiety, especially mid - morning or mid - afternoon. Other options include a fruit or a glass of skim milk without sugar.

Recommendations to lose weight when eating

  • Deceives the stomach before main meals: Some drink a glass of ice water, others a bowl of vegetable soup. So you'll feel more satisfied and eat less.
  • When you eat, just eat: not worth watching television, reading, using the tablet, work, etc. Better focus on your food, flavors and aromas.
  • Kitchen necessary quantities: This way you will not have the temptation to serve another portion. If you are cooking more to save and eat at another time, "hide it" in the fridge.
  • Divide meals into two parts: First , the strong food, ie, pulses, rice, meat, etc and second dessert, which must always be a piece of fruit or a digestive tea without sugar.
  • It serves smaller portions: It is said that one feels satisfied with what is on the plate. If you use a very large and full, you will eat more than if they only serve a small amount.
  • Come in times of increased energy burning: For this reason it is advised to eat more at breakfast and less at dinner, decreasing intake as they move daylight hours.
  • Do not do fasts after bingeing: One of the most common mistakes people is spend a day without eating anything after a party weekend, the excesses of the holidays, etc. This is bad for health.
Do you think these recommendations to lose weight are easy to carry out? All this and many more tips you should know to definitely burn fat from your body are in the program DIET 3 WEEKS, Brian Flatt.
This strategic program of 12 weeks you will get a flat stomach in less than 7 days, and the best you can still enjoy your favorite food. It is revolutionary and effective, and includes the best healthy food to lose weight, specific physical activity and all recommendations to lose weight healthily!

CLICK HERE TODAY and put up your fat burning system to forever eliminate those extra kilos and dazzle everyone with your new body!


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