Monday, January 18, 2016

Filled Under:

The Nutrition Diet

Starting The Nutrition Diet: No doubt you are thinking "where's the diet?" All this reading and no action. So before we go any further here are a few things you can do now to start you on the way to The Nutrition Diet. Where necessary explanations on these points will come later in the book.
The Nutrition Diet

 The Nutrition Diet

1.Don't eat potatoes with meat or fish. This is one of the things I found helped weight loss and is based on the practice of not mixing carbohydrates and protein in the same meal. If you can't cut them out all together take half what you normally eat. You don't have to starve. Add another vegetable to your dinner instead of potatoes. If you fancy potatoes have a baked potato with salad or stir fried vegetables or even baked beans .
2.Cut out the snacks between meals and late at night. If you regularly have crisps or chocolate go without for a set period, 2 days, three days, whatever. Then maybe treat yourself if you are desperate. But go without again but for longer this time.

3.Use as much fresh fruit and vegetables as possible, picking the freshest and ripest. Buy organic if you can.

4.Try and eat a least half your fruit and vegetables raw. A lot of the vitamins and minerals in food are destroyed by cooking. One tip - make one meal a day a raw food meal.

5.Cut back on salt. Use herbs and spices for seasoning. If you must have salt, use Lo-Salt which is a healthier option.

6.Use as many different foods as possible in your diet. Variety is the spice of life and the more varied the diet the wider and more balanced the level of nutrients in the diet.

7.Reduce the amount of fat in your diet, especially saturated fats. Also avoid trans fatty acids which includes margarines, salad dressings, processed foods, etc.

8.Use olive oil for frying or try stir frying in a little water and/or lemon juice.

9.Reduce your consumption of meats, especially red meats. They are high in saturated fats. As well as that risk, any chemicals ,such as antibiotics, used in the rearing of the animals, and toxins are stored in the fatty tissues. Three or four meat meals a week is plenty if you eat meat. At the same time try to reduce the portion of meat as well.

10.Eat more fish. But not fish and chips every night! though the occasional cod and chips is a treat. Try and eat oily fish where possible - sardines, salmon, mackeral.

11.Eat more beans, chick peas, red beans, white beans, etc.

12.Add nuts and seeds to meals. Maybe in sprinkles or nibbles as a substitute for crisps etc. No salted nuts or seeds though.

13.If you smoke, stop. Or at least start cutting down. As well as the usual health warnings you have had, smoking also blocks the absorption and the proper functioning of many nutrients.

14.Drink more water - just plain tap water if nothing else available, otherwise filtered water or bottled water is preferable. Drink 6 - 8 glasses a day. As well as food, your body needs water!

15.Start exercising more, even if it is only a 30 minute walk every day. Ideally an hours exercise every day is the aim.

16.Make time for yourself. Relaxation is as important as exercise.

17.Consider taking a good quality multi vitamin tablet. Take one that is suited for your type, e.g. the over 50's or young who have different nutritional requirements. Also take a good fish oil tablet. More on supplements later.

So to go over the proposals that I have just put forward, choose the best quality fresh food you can and try and eat more raw fruit and vegetables. Drink at least 6 - 8 glasses of water daily (not counting tea, etc.) Exercise regularly and also make time for rest and relaxation. Cut down on red meat, processed foods and fat. Take a good quality multi vitamin tablet and fish oil.


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